RE: [Xen-devel] Unstableness in grant table block drivers
> From: Ian Pratt [mailto:m+Ian.Pratt@xxxxxxxxxxxx]
> > Is CONFIG_XEN_BLKDEV_GRANT going to be a permanent thing or
> > will the "! defined(CONFIG_XEN_BLKDEV_GRANT)" code be
> > removed at some point?
> The config option will probably be removed at some point.
> It's just there to aid debugging in case someone reported
> block dev problems.
Ok, cool.
> In the unstable series we reserve the right to
> change interfaces, and frequently do.
Yeah, I noticed <g>. That's cool too, I was just hoping that the config
option would be gone by the time -unstable turns into -testing, and it seems
that will probably be the case.
Ge van Geldorp.
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