Re: [Xen-devel] Re: ports
On Sunday 06 March 2005 10:28 pm, maru wrote:
> Is there any talk of porting OpenBSD to Xen too?
> I mean, Free and NetBSD are ported, and Linux and Plan 9
> (and seriously, who uses Plan 9? yeah, It's got some very cool
> features, but was it worth porting?) are ported, so why not
> OpenBSD?
> ~Maru
> Also, Xen: very awesome.
I am only posting this to you since my postings to the xen list often never
show up. As an OpenBSD user I am waiting for Vanderpool technology(VP)
which will obviate the need to customize OpenBSD for Xen without VP.
The OpenBSD project does not (IMHO) have enough developer resources
to support a temporary modification to the OS to permit it to run with the
current version of Xen.
I only speak for myself, not the OpenBSD developers.
Dave Feustel
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