> This is for Xen 2.0.3. I'm really interested in the functionality of
> atropos (enforcing CPU partitioning in a non work-conserving fashion).
> As I had reported earlier, atropos seemed broken in 2.0. It still
> seems broken now:
Yes - it's still broken because I still haven't fixed it :-(
> So it seems atropos is still broken. Is a fix being worked upon? I'd
Fixing Atropos is still on my todo list. One of the other developers is
working on an alternative deadline-based scheduler, which may behave better.
> scheduling code; if any of the developers have any idea of where/what
> the bug is, I'd like to take a crack at it.
I don't know where the bug is - it appears to be something quite subtle since
the code *looks* OK to the people who have read through it... Analysing some
trace buffer output might help us figure out what it's actually doing and
I'd still like to look at this myself but you're welcome to take a shot at
debugging it if you're feeling enthusiastic!
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