Re: [Xen-devel] Question about CPU utilization
Steven Hand wrote:
Matt Ayres wrote:
Just to chime in... I don't believe this feature exists, but it seems to
be one that many people desire. Some sort of tool to be able to view
resource usage of domains in a real-time environment (xentop?) with a
"batch" option for scripts would be ideal.
This is on our feature list - one way we had thought of doing it was
to fake out a process in dom0 for each domU, and just have top report
the (aggregate) usage for each domain, but there are other options too
for the way the data is presented. Using an event channel to either
push or poll for load averages is probably the basic underlying
functionality required.
Polling for cumulative CPU times, rather than averages, is probably a
better interface. Then the user-mode tool can average over whatever
period it wants.
David Hopwood <david.nospam.hopwood@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
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