Re: [Xen-devel] will this clever plan work?
Keir Fraser wrote:
We have plans to support efficient replication of filesystem snapshots
amongst multiple VMs, which will support the kind of thing you want to
do (push a given OS + app setup to multiple VMs, and have their writes
go to a 'private version' of the filesystem). It'll probably be a
month or two before anything gets checked in though. :-)
thanks for the reply. I had originally posted this query through gmame
only to be told that it was members only. So I signed up for the list,
reposted etc. etc. and apparently the moderator hadn't noticed my
request to cancel the other posting in the queue. No big deal.
another person had kindly answered my other copy of this query and we
had come up with some good workarounds for the very problem you
describe. Given the rate at which I will make progress, it will be a
race to see if the workarounds or your solution gets done first. ;-)
I must admit I am very excited about xen. It seems like a very cool
form of virtualization. Almost 20 years ago I was working in operating
systems for Computervision and so many of the issues you wrestle with
are very familiar. If it wasn't for a whole bunch of things too boring
to go into, this is a project I would love to work on. But first, I
have my own baby to finish up (www.camram.org).
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