What about using one 64 bit kernel and one 32 bit kernel? I have an
AMD64 laptop with an 802.11g wireless nic, and it would be handy to be
able to run 64 bit apps while still using ndiswrapper (32 bit kernel
required) to drive the nic.
On Mon, 8 Nov 2004 13:04:38 -0000, Ian Pratt <m+ian.pratt@xxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> > I've got an AMD64 and am currently dual-booting Gentoo 64-bit
> > and SuSE 32-bit.
> > Would it be possible to run them simultniously using xen?
> Xen currently doesn't support AMD64/EM64T in 64 bit mode, but an x86_64
> port is in the pipeline.
> The first aim of the port will be to allow multiple x86_64 OS'es to run.
> It should then be possible to use a 64bit capable arch-Xen OS that has
> an all-32 bit userspace if so desired.
> Ian
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