Re: [Xen-devel] Copy-on-write memory to allow many more xenU domains per
> "Memory Resource Management in VMware ESX Server" by Carl Waldspurger
> has some numbers on memory sharing between VMs:
> http://www.usenix.org/events/osdi02/tech/waldspurger/waldspurger.pdf
> (This paper is also cited in the Xen SOSP 2003 paper.)
> Sharing between identical machines is good, though sharing between
> dissimilar machines is not as high as I remembered (copy-on-write
> sharing is able to save around 7-30% of memory in real-world testing).
As I recall, Carl's results were on Windows, which might explain
why I was seeing rather less. Linux resident set sizes tend to be
smaller, and there's generally rather more diversity in the
install base (at least around here).
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