Re: [Xen-devel] xen-2.0 20040923 and previous: rpm crash in xenU
Is there any kind of workaround for this nanosleep problem?
-- Peri
Ian Pratt wrote:
On Sat, Sep 25, 2004 at 07:48:44PM +0100, Peri Hankey wrote:
---------------- xen0 ------------------------
[me@xen0 testing]$ ./time-test
find_cpu_speed: error parsing /proc/cpuinfo for cpu MHz. Assume 2400
MhzCPU speed = 2400 MHz
... (lots of dots)
---------------- xenU ------------------------
[me@xenU testing]$ ./time-test
find_cpu_speed: error parsing /proc/cpuinfo for cpu MHz. Assume 2400
MhzCPU speed = 2400 MHz
nanosleep(20000us): gtod 0
.nanosleep(20000us): gtod 0
.nanosleep(20000us): gtod 0
.nanosleep(20000us): gtod 0
Running on xen0 or xenU doesn't make any difference, just lots
of dots
That's the behaviour we see on all of our machines i.e. nanosleep
works fine. I think Peri's problem may be Athlon related,
and that parser error.
The find_cpu_speed printf shouldn't happen any more -- we no
longer clear the TSC bit in the set of features the CPU reports,
hence there should be a 'MHz' line in /proc/cpuinfo
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