Re: [Xen-devel] xendemo-1.2 iso ... what sizei is it
> the website says the demo iso is 580 megs I can never download more
> than 194 megs ( always the same on 4 separate downloads ... and I have a fat
> DS3 pipe to the internet )
The current iso is 603223112 bytes long, so you must be getting
truncated somewhere. You're browser isn't filling /tmp and
bailing or such like? You could try using wget.
There's also the md5sum so you can verify that you got the right bits.
> When I burn it ( Nero ) complains that the 'reported block size
> is incorrect' Burned it anyway. It boots to login prompt but
> fails with the default root / password and additional errors
> like files missing on the image. ( seek errors ).
Yep, you'd expect that with a truncated download.
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