Re: [Xen-devel] megaraid problem on hp netserver lh6000 - ignorebiostabl
> > XenDemoCD 1.2 - The problem exist with more
than 1 CPU.
> >
> > Following configurations are o.k. with 1 CPU:
> > 4GByte RAM o.k.
> > Adaptec AIC7880 o.k.
> > Netraid o.k.
> > 5 NICs (4 3C905 + 1 EEPRO100) o.k.
> > Multiple domains are o.k. (ssh login possible)
I will refer to this TEST1
> >
> > XenDemoCD 1.0 - No boot problem, dom0 o.k.
> >
> > 4 CPUs
I will refer to this TEST2
> So, just to make sure I understand:
> XenDemoCD 1.0 works fine with 4 CPUs installed. What about
Yes XenDemoCD 1.0 (TEST2) boot is o.k. no more tests done.
If it make sense I will test domain starting, ssh
More Info about 5 CPUs:
1. Only "server1" has 5 CPUs (TEST1 1 CPU
o.k., 2CPUs fail, 5CPUs fail)
2. TEST2 was on "server2" (4 CPUs)
> XenDemoCD 2.0 works OK with one CPU, but
fails with 4 and
> 5. What's the output when it fails? What about 2 CPUs?
With 2 CPUs fail.
Output when it fails:
megaraid scanning raidchannel with error:
scsi0: scanning virtual channel0
for scsi devices.
scsi_wait_req: still waiting...!
scsi_wait_req: still waiting...!
scsi_wait_req: still waiting...!
(... endless)
Helpful info from a previous TESTx:
BIOS AIC-7880 enabled + Netraid (megaraid)
Bootsequence 1. AIC-7880, 2. Netraid
Output when it fails:
... "adaptec scanning"
... (this text is not copy/paste)
scsi_wait_req: still waiting...!
scsi_wait_req: still waiting...!
scsi_wait_req: still waiting...!
(... endless)
> > [root@xendemo0 root]# xenctl domain list
> > id: 1 (XenoLinux)
> > processor: 1
> > has cpu: false <--- what
is "false" ?
> It just means that the domain happens not to be using the CPU at
> this instant (i.e. it's idle). Totally normal.
very good :-)