Re: [Xen-devel] megaraid problem on hp netserver lh6000 - ignorebiostabl
> > i prepared two LH6000/4CPU/4GB for XEN-production
> > so what next?
> Well, we have never booted that chipset, we have never booted with
> that many I/O devices configured, we have never booted that many CPUs,
> and we have never booted with that amount of memory. So it's fair
> say that you're outside the tested operational envelope. :-)
uuupppsss :-)
> I'd also guess that this may be non-trivial to
> -- Keir
So what would you suggest?
1. Sell this servers and get smaller an newer systems.
2. This systems are very good for quality assurance.
You can test
many cpu´s, nic´s and other i/o.
If "2." then:
I own 3 LH6000 systems. Server1 with 10HDs, Server2
with 6HDs and
Server3 with 2HDs.
Server1 is for production.
Server2 for a while we can run reliability and load
Server3 is free for testing new configs/changes.
best regards