Re: [Xen-devel] Kernel panic while compiling kernel
On Wednesday 11 February 2004 12:22, Keir Fraser wrote:
> Hmmm... well we know there are bugs in Xen v1.3, but v1.2 has been
> stable for a while now (it passes our regression tests).
> If you can, turn on debugging in Xen (edit arch/i386/Rules.mk and
> remove -DNDEBUG from CFLAGS), re-compile, and send us the full serial
> output for a Xen/Xenolinxu session which includes this crash.
Something is really bad, after sending you the report of working tg3 witd Xen
DEBUG I planned to put some load on the DOM0 to see if I can reproduce the
problem from this thread. While I was trying to ssh to DOM0 I got the same
kernel panic. Fortunately I had an minicom session active :)
The complete log is the same as one I have sent you in tg3 thread. Just append
DOM0: Kernel panic: Failed mmu update: c015bf80, 4
Domain 0 killed: rebooting machine!
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