Re: [Xen-devel] Problem with dissapearing files on virtual domain...
Thanks, this was indeed the solution for this problem.
Keir Fraser wrote:
my uneducated guess was that it was a problem with swap devices.
my old setup was domain0 /dev/hda2 as a swap device,
domain1 no swap device, but i tried domain1 /swapfile (150) mb file
created with dd if=/dev/zero of=/swapfile, and mkswap /swapfile,
sync, sync , swapon /swapfile .... but that didn't work either.
Have you granted domain 1 *write* access to hda5? To do this you pass
the '-w' flag to 'xenctl physical grant'.
I'd hope that Linux would compain loudly if you tried to mount a
read-write filesystem from a volume which it can't write to. However,
I won't be surprised if we haven't got that quite right --- I'd be
interested to know if this is the problem!
Okay, I'm now certain that this is your problem. Grant domain 1 access
using the -w flag and the file will not disappear!
Also, the latest check-in contains a fix to Xenolinux so that you
cannot mount a read-only partition for read-write access. Much saner
Oh yeah: this is now the latest-semistable release. Please beat up on
it and let us know of any weirdnesses. It's probably a good idea for
us to push out a proper 1.1 release before starting our next batch of
big hacks!
-- Keir
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