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RE: [Xen-cim] Re: Various implementation questions

To: "Gareth S Bestor" <bestorga@xxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: RE: [Xen-cim] Re: Various implementation questions
From: "Subrahmanian, Raj" <raj.subrahmanian@xxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Mon, 17 Jul 2006 18:10:30 -0400
Cc: xen-cim@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
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Thread-topic: [Xen-cim] Re: Various implementation questions
I had re-enabled the code in XenHostedComputerSystem.c and it has
already been tested (as part of the combined patch). 
I don't mind re-commenting it to ensure that bad things don't happen in
OpenPegausus for now.

From: Gareth S Bestor [mailto:bestorga@xxxxxxxxxx] 
Sent: Monday, July 17, 2006 5:17 PM
To: Subrahmanian, Raj
Cc: xen-cim@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: RE: [Xen-cim] Re: Various implementation questions

depends... :-)

I already have a workaround (in our IBM internal provider version) for
Pegasus to make Associators work, but if the original commented-out code
works fine for OpenWBEM (and sfcb?) then I'm tempted not to put in the
patch until we get a better idea of if/when this will be fixed in
OpenPegasus. How about give your patch a go - ie re-enable the
commented-out code - and if it works fine, maybe I'll add my Pegasus
workaround later via a conditional compile. Like I said, the commented
code ***should*** work but it was causing Pegasus to die horribly, so I
commented it out (and didnt come up with a woekaround till after we'd
Open Sourced our IBM internal providers).

- Gareth 

Inactive hide details for "Subrahmanian, Raj"
<raj.subrahmanian@xxxxxxxxxx>"Subrahmanian, Raj"

                                "Subrahmanian, Raj"
                                Sent by:

                                07/17/06 01:48 PM


Gareth S Bestor/Beaverton/IBM@IBMUS     


RE: [Xen-cim] Re: Various implementation questions      

I was going through the association providers to clean them up.
I noticed that in the Associators function does not do a
CMReturnInstance call. I remember you said that it was an issue with the
Pegausus CIMOM.
Has this been fixed?
In other words, can I just uncomment the lines, or shall I put in a
conditional compile?
I have attached the code snippet.

<From XenHostedMemory.c, function Associators() Line 245>
// BUG - returning data causes crash !?!
_SBLIM_TRACE(2, ("--- data.value.inst=\"%s\"",
CMGetCharPtr(CDToString(_BROKER, data.value.inst, NULL))));
//         if (strcmp(sourcename, resultname) == 0)
CMReturnInstance(results, data.value.inst);

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