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RE: [Xen-cim] Patch for review

To: "Subrahmanian, Raj" <raj.subrahmanian@xxxxxxxxxx>, "Jim Fehlig" <jfehlig@xxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: RE: [Xen-cim] Patch for review
From: Gareth S Bestor <bestor@xxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Thu, 1 Jun 2006 10:36:19 -0700
Cc: xen-cim@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
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FYI - using upcalls to the CIMOM to retrieve *all* instances of the association's target class (and subclasses) and then filtering based on matching property values with source instance is a nice generic way to implement associations that 'just works', and for me facilitated rapid prototyping of working CIM providers for all the numerous association classes. However, its not terribly efficient; and once we start dealing with hundreds of DomU's it may become a run-time problem for some of the associations.

Just a heads-up that this is something that we should consider optimizing where appropriate. I certainly focussed on exposing functionality and minimizing bugs rather than optimizing for efficiency when writing the original IBM providers.

- Gareth

Dr. Gareth S. Bestor
IBM Linux Technology Center
M/S DES2-01
15300 SW Koll Parkway, Beaverton, OR 97006
503-578-3186, T/L 775-3186, Fax 503-578-3186

"Subrahmanian, Raj" <raj.subrahmanian@xxxxxxxxxx>
Sent by: xen-cim-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

06/01/2006 09:48 AM

"Jim Fehlig" <jfehlig@xxxxxxxxxx>
RE: [Xen-cim] Patch for review

I thought I had fixed this.
I will take a look.

-----Original Message-----
From: xen-cim-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
[mailto:xen-cim-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx] On Behalf Of Jim Fehlig
Sent: Wednesday, May 31, 2006 9:34 PM
To: Szymanski, Lukasz K
Cc: xen-cim@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: Re: [Xen-cim] Patch for review

Szymanski, Lukasz K wrote:

> Hello All -
> This patch adapts Raj's Xen_HostedComputerSystem patch to other
> Xen_Hosted* files:
> Xen_HostedDisk.mof, Xen_HostedDisk.c, Xen_HostedProcessor.mof,
> Xen_HostedProcessor.mof, Xen_HostedMemory.mof, Xen_HostedMemory.c,
> Xen_HostedNetworkPort.mof, Xen_HostedNetworkPort.c

The problem with this patch, and Raj's previous one apparently :-), is
that there is no filtering of object paths returned via upcalls to cimom
for instance names of the associated thing.  For example, in
ReferenceNames() in Xen_HostedMemory.c we make an upcall to get all
instances of CIM_Memory when it is the target class.  But Xen_Memory is
a subclass of CIM_Memory so you get instances of Xen_Memory (which is
the source class) and associate it with itself or other instances of
Xen_Memory for other domains.  If I list associations of Xen_Memory for
domain 1 using this patch, I get a Xen_HostedMemory association for each
Xen_Memory object produced by other domains.

Make sense?  I'm quite tired now so this may be a smoked explanation


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