Re: [Xen-API] [Project Kronos] SR_BACKEND_FAILURE_53 when creating SR
Sorry, didn't notice this before, but SMLog says this:
[3010] 2011-08-23 15:17:42.111948 SUCCESS
[3010] 2011-08-23 15:17:42.112201 ['/sbin/vgcreate',
'VG_XenStorage-c6ed11e9-8acf-3c48-93b9-10a7607f6035', '/dev/sda3']
[3010] 2011-08-23 15:17:42.209556 SUCCESS
[3010] 2011-08-23 15:17:42.209789 ['/sbin/vgchange', '-an', '--master',
[3010] 2011-08-23 15:17:42.223883 FAILED: (rc 3) stdout: '', stderr:
'/sbin/vgchange: unrecognized option '--master'
Error during parsing of command line.
Obviously, --master is not a flag for vgchange..
Editing lvutil.pyc in /usr/lib/xen-common/xapi/sm gets me past this issue...
xen-api mailing list
Actually it's true that I did not throughly tested lvm based SR, I
mainly played with NFS and ocfs2 (custom) storage backends, so
I did not get into this problem.
I'm not 100% sure but if I recall correctly, I've read somewhere that
lvm on XCP and xenserver are custom versions patched with some
additional features. It might be why --master flag does not exists on
the debian stock lvm.
Not sure too, but I think it may apply only to shared file systemes that
are using lvm, like iscsi.
Are you trying to create an iscsi SR ?
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