Re: [Xen-API] [XCP] XCP 1.1 and xapi version override
Hello, Eugene.
You can fix the version in the same ( '/var/xapi/state.db') file,
right before the expiry date.
Best regards,
Sergey Melnik.
2011/7/13 Eugene Chupriyanov <e.chupriyanov@xxxxxx>:
> 13.07.2011 6:51, Todd Deshane пишет:
> Was this a fresh install or an upgrade? For upgrades, there is currently a
> known issue that requires the state.db workaround. You need to first stop
> xapi Then modify /var/xapi/state.db' - search for 'expiry' and replace the
> date with a much later one. For more details see:
> http://xen.markmail.org/search/?q=state.db+%22from%3Ajonathan+ludlam%22#query:state.db%20%22from%3Ajonathan%20ludlam%22+page:1+mid:pepibjrn2r3mztoc+state:results
> If this is fresh install do make sure that you have the latest version of
> XenCenter. Let us know if either of those fix your problem. Thanks, Todd
> It was fresh install (I run XCP 1.0 on another server without problems).
> The message you referring to tells how to fix expiry date issue, but I'm
> talking about XAPI version.
> In docs for XCP 1.0 we can find following:
> XenCenter Compatibility
> Although XenCenter in principle works with XCP, the fact that XCP uses a
> different versioning scheme makes XenCenter assume it is working with
> an ancientversion of XAPI. From XCP 1.0 RC3 (build number > 40948) you can
> trick CenCenter by modifying the config
> file /etc/xensource/xapi_version_override which contains a single line
> containing the required version number. The version number to set it to for
> maximum XenCenter compatibility is 5.6.199.
> UNfortunately, it doesn't work for XCP 1.1 - XenCenter detects freshly
> installed XCP1.1 as XenServer 1.1.0
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