On Wed, 2010-12-15 at 05:58 -0500, Tomoe Sugihara wrote:
> >>> We would really like this to be addressed so we can test
> >>> XCP 1.0 beta with our SM backend driver.
> >>>
> >>> I found the author and the log for the patch that introduces the oops
> >>> from the following link.
> >>> http://xenbits.xen.org/XCP/linux-2.6.32.pq.hg?annotate/2d68a42120cf/blktap2-ioc.diff
> >>>
> >>> I didn't get what it is for, but I hope the author may be able to help
> >>> this fixed.
> >>
> >> Yeah, looks like this queue got tagged for XCP on a quite unfortunate
> >> edge, indeed. The patch series has long been fixed since then, but
> >> merged a little further on trunk, so I can't just offer you a
> >> replacement for the -ioc diff.
> >
> >
> > Thanks for following this up, Daniel.
> > I'll wait for a fixed kernel.
> Hi,
> I'm still looking forward to a fixed kernel.
> >> One could replace the entire blktap2-series, or maybe there's a bigger
> >> update already in the make (?).
> Any update on this? I hope someone is working on the issue.
> Daniel,
> Thanks for sending me a set of patches off line.
> Sorry, I haven't had a chance to try, though.
Ok, big sorry. The issue is indeed due to said blktapisms in the present
2.6.32 kernel -- but as Jon Ludlam pointed out, it's not really just due
to repo drift seen. Different issue, so those updates I sent to Tomoe
won't help much.
There's a fix internally available now, so next update should really
resolve this.
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