Re: [Xen-users] XCP 1.1 Management VLAN
I've tackled this another way. (assuming you are using XCP )
My XCP vm servers usually have two gigabit ports, each connected to redundant switches. I make all vlan's accessible via each of these ports via 802.1Q trunk, and use active/passive on the bridge. Then I create interfaces for each of the vlans, that I bridge to my vm's. But as you've seen, the management vlan can not be on a tagged interface.
The trick to have the management interface work on this setup is to have your switch port configured with a native non-tagged vlan. A slight security issue, just make sure you restrict your vm's to only the tagged interfaces. There's even an example on the manual for this. Hope this helps.
On Thu, Nov 17, 2011 at 8:24 PM, Brett Westover <bwestover@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>No, sorry. You can try to hack the xcp/xapi underlying configuration,
>but this require significant understanding of xapi internals (and, of
>cause, every your change will be your own problem without community
>But outside this you can not use tagged vlans for management interface
>of xapi.
Do you know the reason for this restriction? It seems like a matter of a
settings change in openvswitch to allow any interface to accept tagged
frames. I must be misunderstanding some requirement of xapi.
So what does one do in my situation? Since I only have two interfaces,
and one essentially gets eaten up for management only, do I put both the
LAN and SAN traffic on the same interface?
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