Re: [Xen-API] Re: [Xen-users] [Project Kronos] XAPI on Debian
On 10/11/2011 09:17 PM, msgbox450@xxxxxxxxx wrote:
It logs in with xencenter 6 and lists the domains ok, it shows the ram
and cpu usage and the cpu/network graphics work etc.
Good so far...
Importing .xva such as the xenserver test vm doesnt work... just sits
there "preparing to import VM" forever.
Can you provide a snippet of the logfile /var/log/xensource.log from the
point that you start the import to the point where you give up waiting
on it?
Creating a VM from a template seems to work on the surface but then
when trying to start it I get:
11/10/2011 19:50:20 Error: Starting VM 'CentOS 6.0 (32-bit)' -
Internal error: Unix.Unix_error(20, "access", "/usr/bin/eliloader")
I get the same error with a debian template too.
PV templates (those other than the 'Other install media' template)
require the eliloader package. We just packaged this up a week ago, and
it doesn't look like the xapi package depends upon it yet. I've filed a
bug for this particular issue.
Try doing 'apt-get install eliloader', and make sure that your other
packages are up-to-date as well.
Trying to create a fresh VM from any ISO I've tried (debian, centos,
suse) it provisions the VM but then when starting it just says
"Starting" forever and never actually starts or gives an error.
Were these PV templates, or 'Other install media' templates (see above).
Log snippets from the time after you started the VM would help diagnose
I've just reinstalled the debian+xapi from scratch but still no
Also, it appears that once created, I have no option to delete the VMs
from the xencenter menu.
Does any of this work when you use the CLI? Is anything different?
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