Re: [Xen-users] Home Xen hypervisor for master's project
Dnia 20-02-2011 o 15:38:38 Joseph Commisso <commissoje@xxxxxxxxx>
In reply to Marek:
I did not know that about the Phenom and i7 as NOT using ECC, but that
is good to know.
Phenom does support ECC, i7 does not.
At the time, I was going to try and decide on which memory to use,
after I finalized my CPU/motherboard choice.
That is ok, since I am working now on choosing between the 4100 or
6100 series of Opteron.
I need to find out if the 4100 can do the IOMMU as good as the 6100.
I have the data sheets on each and I am going to review them now.
I will then see if I can afford all this with the ECC RAM and all.
4100 does IOMMU just as well as 6100. It is a chipset feature, make sure
to get a 5670 or 5690 based motherboard, and confirm that it supports
IOMMU. If 6 cores are enough for you at this point, go for C32 socket
motherboard (4100). Both C32 and G34 will allow drop-in upgrades to
Bulldozer assuming BIOS updates are available (so make sure you are
getting a recent motherboard revision).
Yes, I thought that the AMD-Vi would be a good choice.
I would not want to have any obstacles with my VM running Windows for
home use and I also thought that IOMMU would make it easier for me to
learn Xen.
And I agree with that sentiment. One caveat: for the time being, you have
to decide if you want Turbo or Xen. I can't get 2.6.37 or 2.6.38 Xen
kernels to boot (and I don't want to mess up my configuration, so I'm
waiting until 2.6.38 comes to the mainstream), and 2.6.32 does not support
Turbo or later fixes to performance (since I have a rather extensive RAID
configuration, I want the 2.6.36 fixes to large block handling), so
currently I'm dual-booting (Windows just to play games). If you are fine
to make some concessions, you'll be very happy with running the older
Apparently support for Intel turbo is available with 2.6.32, so you can
get some performance boost (although it's insignificant on Intel CPUs
you'd likely be considering).
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