Re: [Xen-users] Did anyone succeeded in installing xen 4.0.0 on Debian L
i use on some production server domO lenny with xen 4, kernel 2.6.32 from
jeremy git and xen from xen-4.0-testing.hg, installation mainly base on wiki
xen 4 howto, i have also try kernel 2.6.31 and xen 4.0.0 in past but with
Meister Schieber wrote:
> There are not too many howtos regarding xen 4.0 on Debian lenny, so I
> tried them
> all and all failed.
> Starting with the "official" howto:
> 1. I ran
> "apt-get install bcc bin86 gawk bridge-utils iproute libcurl3
> libcurl4-openssl-dev bzip2 module-init-tools transfig tgif texinfo
> texlive-latex-base texlive-latex-recommended texlive-fonts-extra
> texlive-fonts-recommended pciutils-dev mercurial build-essential make gcc
> libc6-dev zlib1g-dev python python-dev python-twisted libncurses5-dev
> patch
> libvncserver-dev libsdl-dev libjpeg62-dev iasl libbz2-dev e2fslibs-dev
> git-core
> uuid-dev ocaml libx11-dev"
> 2. I downloaded the source code for xen 4.0.0, untared it, did "make
> world",
> "make install"
> 3. "mkinitramfs -o /boot/initrd.img-", "update-grub",
> "update-rc.d xend defaults 20 2", "update-rc.d xendomains defaults 21 20"
> The System starts with the xen kernel, but then:
> Xend does not start "ERROR (SrvDaemon:349) Exception starting xend ((111,
> 'Connection refused')
> I added "-x" to the init.d script file and ran /etc/init.d/xend again:
> debian:~# /etc/init.d/xend start
> + shopt -s extglob
> + test -f /etc/default/xend
> + . /etc/default/xend
> + test xstart = xstart
> + test -d /proc/xen
> + test -d /proc/xen/capabilities
> + grep ' xenfs$' /proc/filesystems
> + grep '^xenfs ' /proc/mounts
> + grep -q control_d /proc/xen/capabilities
> + case "$1" in
> + mkdir -p /var/lock/subsys
> + touch /var/lock/subsys/xend
> + test -z ''
> + test -z ''
> + [[ '' == @(yes|on|1) ]]
> + [[ '' == @(yes|on|1) ]]
> + xend start
> + await_daemons_up
> + i=1
> + rets=10
> + xend status
> + '[' 3 -ne 0 -a 1 -lt 10 ']'
> + sleep 1
> + echo -n .
> .+ i=2
> + xend status
> + '[' 3 -ne 0 -a 2 -lt 10 ']'
> + sleep 1
> + echo -n .
> .+ i=3
> + xend status
> + '[' 3 -ne 0 -a 3 -lt 10 ']'
> + sleep 1
> + echo -n .
> .+ i=4
> + xend status
> + '[' 3 -ne 0 -a 4 -lt 10 ']'
> + sleep 1
> + echo -n .
> .+ i=5
> + xend status
> + '[' 3 -ne 0 -a 5 -lt 10 ']'
> + sleep 1
> + echo -n .
> .+ i=6
> + xend status
> + '[' 3 -ne 0 -a 6 -lt 10 ']'
> + sleep 1
> + echo -n .
> .+ i=7
> + xend status
> + '[' 3 -ne 0 -a 7 -lt 10 ']'
> + sleep 1
> + echo -n .
> .+ i=8
> + xend status
> + '[' 3 -ne 0 -a 8 -lt 10 ']'
> + sleep 1
> + echo -n .
> .+ i=9
> + xend status
> + '[' 3 -ne 0 -a 9 -lt 10 ']'
> + sleep 1
> + echo -n .
> .+ i=10
> + xend status
> + '[' 3 -ne 0 -a 10 -lt 10 ']'
> + exit 3
> Any ideas? Any working howto?
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