Re: [Xen-users] Re: blktap2 does not work
2010/6/24 Fajar A. Nugraha <fajar@xxxxxxxxx>:
> What happens if you just use tap:aio AND load the blktap module? It
> should use blktap2 anyway.
How to check? I'm not sure what should I search for in /var/log/xend.conf
> Is this a HVM install converted to PV? If yes, that might explain it,
> as HVM doesn't know anything about hvc0.
Yes, it is. Do you know how to switch to another virtual console
during the installation using vnc? The problem is how to send "ALT"
though vnc...
I also found networking (at least bridging) *VERY* unstable. Sometimes
I have to reboot using magic sysrq keys...
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