Re: [Xen-users] RHEL xen vs kvm
On Wed, Apr 21, 2010 at 10:20 AM, Arpan Jindal <jindalarpan@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Hello all
needed your views and review on which one is better on RHEL xen or kvm ?
KVM is easier because Redhat's focus is on it and it's a simpler system to use. I only use it for prototyping and development work and Xen for large deployments. Xen's learning curve is straight up but for Linux on Linux virtualizing still has quite a bit of lead over KVM for performance in most categories (except for VM to VM network performance). Like many I'm taking my hardware to the limit so I need all I can get. I'm moving to Xen Cloud Platform soon which is a custom RHEL/CentOS based distro with the Xen software and a much newer kernel.
I will be a lot more interested in KVM when Spice is up and working which I think is happening in RHEL 5.5. I know you didn't ask about KVM anywhere else but Ubuntu Cloud Server uses KVM and is very attractive.
Grant McWilliams
Xen-users mailing list