RE: [Xen-users] Resize DomU partition
Ian Tobin wrote:
Shutdown DomU
e2fsck -f /dev/VolGroup00/vm1
resize2fs /dev/VolGroup00/vm1
fsck -n /dev/VolGroup00/vm1
boot DomU and that should do it. Resize2fs should automatically use all
available space, if not you will need to add the parameter.
No, the OP has partitioned the virtual volume within the DomU.
IIRC there is a way to mount the device so as to be visible to the
Dom0 as a block device (but I can't recall the command name), after
which it's possible to work with the partitions within it. SInce it's
been done without LVM, only the last partition on the disk can be
resized in place - to resize anything else will mean copying the
files elsewhere, repartitioning the device, making new filesystems,
and copying the files back.
Alternatively, temporarily add the device to another DomU to work
with it - slightly safer as there's less risk of working with the
wrong block device and breaking Dom0 !
Simon Hobson
WANTED: "Software CD ROM Kit" for Canon CLBP 360-PS printer (Canon
part no RH6-3612, or possibly RH6-3810, or RH6-3610 might do). I've a
dead HD and need this CD so I can replace the disk and re-install the
printer OS on it. If anyone knows where I might get hold of one I'd
be grateful - requests to Canon drew a blank, it's been out of
support for years.
Alternatively, if anyone has one of these and would let me image
their hard disk ...
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