Re: [Xen-users] iSCSI Volumes and Xen
Thanks, Fajar.
On Thu, January 14, 2010 2:20 pm, Fajar A. Nugraha wrote:
> Where does it say that? It should be just fine if you import the iscsi
> share on dom0.
Sorry, that was my interpretation of the thread. Reading back through it
I now realise the OP was talking about mounting the target directly in the
domU. I am mounting the target in the dom0.
I suppose I might need a script to ensure it is mounted before starting
the domU...
> Actually, if you use opensolaris, the performance hit will come for
> the forced sync-io on opensolaris side to ensure data consistency.
> Using SSD as ZIL on opensolaris side should help a lot.
Yes, I was aware of this. It will be opensolaris or maybe nexenta if the
budget will stretch that far...
Thanks again,
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