Re: [Xen-users] Java JVM and memory on Xen
Fajar A. Nugraha wrote:
On Tue, Nov 10, 2009 at 8:52 PM, Rob Shepherd <rs@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
I finally tracked down the crash to that single 1MB adjustment of RAM.
although the JVM is only configured to use 512MB of RAM MAX (-Xmx512m)
This is very bizarre. Has anybody seen behaviour before, or have any
comments about why it may be happening?
Java uses MORE memory then what you set on -Xmx. For example, I set
-Xmx512m on an app and "top" shows 693MB RES, 1392M VIRT.
Perhaps you disable swap so that all VIRT needs to be on memory, thus
oom-killer killed it?
I though this earlier but no.
swap total == swap free == 4194296 kB
One would expect an OOM Error to come through a JVM stacktrace. This is
a JVM Segfault.
Nevertheless, thank you for your input.
I'd be glad of any further suggestions.
Kind regards
Rob Shepherd BEng PhD - Director / Senior Engineer - DataCymru Ltd
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