[Xen-users] Re: [quagga-users 10975] Re: Quagga on Xen - Latency / Bandw
On Wed, Jul 29, 2009 at 02:57:04PM -0400, Alexis Rosen wrote:
> But the question is still of significant importance to a lot of Quagga
> users. Thus, I suggest that it is an appropriate topic for the list.
> Here's my earlier reply, which I (again, damnit) failed to send to the
> list from an authorized address:
Well i haven't tried xen myself, but from what I hve read I/O
performance is not as fast as native would be. kvm seems to be the only
virtualization system with just about native I/O speed. paravirt is
close too, but requires of course a paravirt compatible guest.
Len Sorensen
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