Re: [Xen-users] Xen 4.0 feature request
if you have a very large filesystem (some TB) and use a clustered
filesystem (ex: lustre),
for performance reason isn't a good solution work with LVM....
....and, if you want save only one virtual machine, you can't use a LVM
snapshot technology!
I think that xen must have a tools that allow create a consistent
snapshot, because
are a unique possibility to have this features in any environment.
O.K., I mean that this are required only in a enterprise environment but,
if XEN want are a very powerfull vmware alternative, I think that some
tools are indispensable!
If you want snapshots of the filesystem, use LVM. "xm save" takes
snapshot of the domain's state (memory and such).
One secnario where xm save is useful: You need to reboot the Dom0, but
want to restore DomUs back to how they were after reboot (really
useful when your router is in DomU. Reboot is normally fast enough to
get the router back up before the connections timeout).
-Eljas Alakulppi
On Sun, 05 Jul 2009 17:35:54 +0300, Enrico Valsecchi
<admin@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Do you know "xm save"?
Overmind # xm save
Error: 'xm save' requires between 2 and 3 arguments.
Usage: xm save [-c] <Domain> <CheckpointFile>
Save a domain state to restore later.
-c, --checkpoint Leave domain running after creating
I know xm save command....
I have make a snapshot with xm save -c, then I have delete some file
in a
(complete remove /boot directory)
O.K., I'm shutdown domain and restore.
Result are that domain start, but does not are file deleted from me!
My little and stupid question are:
What do you do with this snapshot???????
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