RE: [Xen-users] GPLPV Blue Screen 0x0000007B
> On Tue, Jun 23, 2009 at 5:57 PM, James
> Harper<james.harper@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> >>
> >> Trying to install them on Xen 3.4.0, Intel E5345 Processors, Server
> > 2008
> >> 64bit. I get the BSoD on boot with the 0x0000007B stop message
> >
> > Oops. I didn't notice that it was 2008 x64 that you were running. That
> > will most likely be due to the driver signing requirements with that OS,
> > and I don't have a solution at this point, although a few have been
> > suggested on the -users and -devel lists.
> Isn't driver signing suppose to throw a different kind of error?
> Something like windows failed to load because of unsigned driver,
> using the same font as boot menu (i.e. not the blue screen)
I'm not sure, but I would think that 0x7B is the correct error. Basically
Windows will just try and load all the drivers that are marked as 'required for
boot', and then find a device to boot off. Xenvbd will fail to load because
it's not signed, but as far as windows is concerned, that doesn't necessarily
mean that the system is unbootable. It's only when it later can't find a disk
to boot off that it throws an 0x7B.
Output from windbg might be helpful though...
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