Re: [Xen-users] question about Xen DOMU
Hi Mark
A "uname -a" indicates that your are running a xen domU, if it is a PV
domU. A "ls /boot" would indicate the same. Of course you could change
the name of the kernel. In a HVM domU probably you do not need since you
are using a kernel without modifications
A "more /etc/fstab" can also indicate that the devices being used are
xenified (depends on your configuration). I for example, use /dev/xvda1
as my partition, to not forget that its a Xen box ;-)
Probably there are other ways to check it ...
Mark Ryden wrote:
A newbie question about Xen DOMU:
I have a Linux Fedora running in a Xen DOMU. Is it possible for somebody
accessing this DOMU from outside (ssh) to know that it is not
a real machine but a DOMU of Xen (by something like uname,etc)? In
case it is possible
I would appreciate if anybody can tell how.
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Nuno Ricardo Santos Loureiro da Silva Ferreira
NMR Spectroscopy Research Group
Bijvoet Center for Biomolecular Research
Utrecht University
Bloembergen gebouw
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The Netherlands
P: +31.(0)30.253 9932
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E: n.l.ferreira@xxxxx
W: http://nmr.chem.uu.nl
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