Re: [Xen-users] NFS-server in DOM-0. something to avoid?
What's the reasoning behind
exporting the xen config files and images? Yes generally you don't want anything
on the Dom0 that you don't necessarily need including file sharing.
We have one larger machine, 6*300GB disks, 8GB
mem, 4 xeons acting as NFS-server and some smaller machines with only 36GB
All the (smaller) machines mount /srv/xen, so i can
start clients where ever i want...
Other parts hold a copy of gwdg.de, and one of the
DOM-U's is an installation-server
The machine used to be non-xen, but i thought it was a
waste of resources not to use the machine to the most
Then I assume these smaller machines are real computers that are pulling the xen disk image from across the network? I'll also assume that each of the smaller machines are also Xen enabled and have more than one DomU (otherwise why all the fuss?)?
If so this doesn't seem very optimal. If I were you I'd slim down the Dom0 to bare nothing, set up the 6*300GB disks in some sort of RAID (I assume that this is already the case), make it a logical volume (LVM) and give the Volume to the first DomU (the nfs server). The rest of the DomUs can come up off Xen images on the Dom0 OS drive or they could come off the nfs share from the first DomU just like the little machines on the network. This get's your Dom0 back to what it's supposed to be doing - staring DomUs. If you have any other services being served by Dom0 I'd also get them virtualized.
Grant McWilliams
Xen-users mailing list