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Re: [Xen-users] SMP enabled Dom0 or not?

To: jim burns <jim_burn@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: Re: [Xen-users] SMP enabled Dom0 or not?
From: Nico Kadel-Garcia <nkadel@xxxxxxxxx>
Date: Sun, 22 Jun 2008 11:22:37 +0100
Cc: xen-users@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
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jim burns wrote:
On Friday June 20 2008 01:21:43 pm Venefax wrote:
The instructions have a small problem: I use SUSE and there is no
/etc/rc.local. ¿any idea?
Interestingly enough, there is /etc/init.d/before.local and after.local. You 
have to read /etc/init.d/rc to discover them. Basically, after.local runs 
after all the services have been started upon entering a runlevel. 
before.local runs before the runlevel is entered. If you anticipate changing 
runlevels often, you may want to restrict the actions in after.local to a 
particular runlevel.
Different distributions follow different conventions. I personally *loathe* putting thing in rc.local, because then you can't select to run it all by itself, and it's not easy to enable or disable it without directly editing a default system file. I prefer using /etc/init.d and scripts there, with chkconfig if available, to control when something runs and in what order relative to other tools.
Also, I changed the configuration files for the DomUs, but is there any way
to force them to reread the configuration without restarting them?
In general, nope. But you can manually use 'xm vcpu-pin domid ...', and your  
domu will only use those vcpus till the next restart. (In my limited testing, 
linux reacts better to pinning than Windows.)
How about changing the dom0? It is very hard for me to reboot the box.
But you can restart the domus, so they can re-read their configs. You can do 
the vcpu pinning manually at first. Changing configs, and after.local, is 
just so it stays that way when you do reboot dom0/restart domu.
If you use init scripts in /etc/init.d, it's often possible to simply bring a machine down to rerun that script, or to change the runlevel with the 'telinit' script to get them to restart as needed.
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