Re: [Xen-users] pulseaudio
On Monday April 21 2008 10:42:21 pm Christian Lyra wrote:
> http://www.clingman.org/winesd/
Little bit of an update. My initial impressions were based on AOL Radio
performance. Turns out that LaunchRadio (Yahoo!) and Rhapsody play just fine,
with minor pauses. I would imagine that this has to do with (the old) Aol
Radio's use of AOlMediaPlaybackControl.exe in a parent child pair of procs. I
assume one is doing net io, and the other is doing sound with buffers passed
by the net io process. I would imagine a non pv approach to this
inter-process communication would be very expensive in an hvm environment.
(As far as the new Aol Radio goes, what ever JavaScript it's using makes it
too slow for hvm. It keeps on buffering, with brief bursts of sound, then
gives up. Wine has the same problem.)
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