Re: [Xen-users] vfb in PV
On Monday 10 March 2008 10:50:33 pm Nikhil Talpallikar wrote:
> [ -x /etc/vnc/xstartup ] && exec /etc/vnc/xstartup
> [ -r $HOME/.Xresources ] && xrdb $HOME/.Xresources
> xsetroot -solid grey
> vncconfig -iconic &
> xterm -geometry 80x24+10+10 -ls -title "$VNCDESKTOP Desktop" &
> #startx &
> tgv &
What's tgv?
> I have commented the startx and the xinitrc as i am still unable to install
> xserver on fc6 PVM. Is it so that the vncviewer needs to connect with a
> xserver without which i cannot even have a simple xterm environment in the
> vncviewer? I tried 'yum install xserver' which did not work. So i tried the
> rpm way but am stuck with resolving the dependencies :(
Right. You could post the output of the 'yum install' session.
This gets back to using the vnc server builtin to xen (via xen-vncfb or
qemu-dm, depending on the version of your dom0 kernel & xen and whether you
are installing the domu PV or HVM.) You won't be able to use vnc-server on
the domu until you work out the X11 dependencies.
Using the vnc server capabilities of xen on dom0 just requires having the 'Xen
Virtual Frame Buffer' (fbdev) installed in domu as your video driver. This is
set in the domu's /etc/X11/xorg.conf. Of course, that means you still need to
get X working at least minimally in your domu.
What is your dom0 kernel & xen versions?
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