Fwd: Re: [Xen-users] vfb in PV
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Subject: Re: [Xen-users] vfb in PV
Date: Sunday 09 March 2008
From: jim burns <jim_burn@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
To: "Nikhil Talpallikar" <nikhil.talpallikar@xxxxxxxxx>
On Sunday 09 March 2008 10:06:53 pm you wrote:
> I tried yum install vnc and yum install xserver. The installation goes
> successfully. but when i do startx or vncserver :10 in domU both give the
> same error saying command not found. but after installation i do not get
> the vkfb not found error i used to get earlier during xm create. even from
> dom0 i cannot connect the vncviewer to the domU.
Do an 'rpm -ql vnc' (or vnc-server). On my system, I get:
[1190] > rpm -ql vnc
jimb@Insp6400 03/09/08 10:25PM:~
[1191] > rpm -ql vnc-server
From this, you see that vncviewer is in /usr/bin/vncviewer, and vncserver is a
service, started with (as root) 'service vncserver start'. For the server,
look at /etc/sysconfig/vncservers, and modify the lines at the bottom to
automatically spawn a server under your user account, and with the specified
desktop geometry. Then you can use (as root) 'chkconfig vncserver on' to
start the service automatically at boot time. And you should look at
~/.vnc/xstartup, which controls what desktop software is running in the vnc
window. (eg - if the last line is 'startkde &', you get kde. Look at the man
pages in the rpm listings above.)
You might also look at Gnome's vino server, which does something similar.
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