Re: [Xen-users] Xen: invalid source and/or image destination
new2xen wrote:
Although starting off well - I'm now hitting
"Unable to retrieve "
Reading up a little I have found the using is a bit of a no-no; so
have changed to use the actual IP address; but the problem is the same.
Also read that "ln -s" isn't great either so I have not tried to mount via:
mount -t iso9660 -o ro /dev/cdrom /var/www/html/CentOS
Which seems to work (the mounting part) same problem though.
Now - when I first did this I hit: "Unable to retreive
http:/" but this just went away after a few
attempts and moved onto "stage2.img"...
I have not tried to copy the whole DVD under /var/www/html - perhaps I
No, don't do that. Look at:
That's the top level of an Anaconda install tree.
Can you point your web browser at anything on your *local* network that
looks like that? If you can, then give that URL to
virt-install/manager/whatever. If you can't:
1) mount your DVD in it's normal location, as given by /etc/fstab; let's
say it's '/media/dvd'. when you 'ls' it, it should look like the URL above.
2) Find the directory Apache serves files from, go to it. Create a
symlink in this directory to '/media/dvd':
> ln -s /media/dvd MYDVD
When you 'ls' MYDVD, it should look like the URL above.
3) Browse to 'http://127.0.0.l/MYDVD'. This should look like the URL above.
4) Start virt-install, supply ''. I've only done
this between two machines, rather than using, but I'd be
surprised if doesn't work.
You need to paste the error messages you get, and the commands you try,
*exactly*. Your commands and error messages don't make sense.
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