Re: [Xen-users] Which Debian version? Which xen version?
Jan Marquardt wrote:
Hi list,
I need an advice on the both mentioned above topics. We will start using
Xen to replace some older servers. We are thinking about the following
possible combinations:
1. Debian Etch with Xen 3.0 from Debian packages.
2. Debian Etch with Xen 3.1 from Source
3. Debian Lenny with Xen 3.1 from packages.
I would appreciate, if you can tell me some (dis-)advantages of the
three combinations.
Here are some of my thoughts:
1: - easier to maintain than from source
- stable version of debian
2: - stable version of Debian
- current version of Xen
3: - Lenny is still testing, maybe not stable enough
- Current Version of Xen
- easier to maintain than from source
I had the same procedure and ended up with Etch and building the kernel and
utils from source Xen 3.1.1.
Because 3.1.1 version has some improvements over version 3.0.4 for etch.
Lenny is nice the new xen utils are included but there is no xen kernel
image for it. So you have to build it your self. That why i deciced to go for 2
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* Bas van der Vlies e-mail: basv@xxxxxxx *
* SARA - Academic Computing Services phone: +31 20 592 8012 *
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