Re: [Xen-users] How can I install xen in Debian Lenny?
Jens Seidel wrote:
On Mon, Nov 19, 2007 at 04:16:33PM +1100, kanour-xen wrote:
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN">
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Please do not send such a crap. This is a mailinglist and it is assumed
that text is send to it, no HTML. I suggest to resend the mail so that I
can read it!
Xen-users mailing list
Dear Jens.
Sorry about that. I changed the setting immediately.
In regards to my question, I installed binary package from XenSource and
then installed debian binary packages with tools, docs. It seems to
work without issues.
I just couldn't figure it out how to compile xen-kernel under Lenny that
I could use the debian binary packages with it (hypevisor, etc.)
Here is the copy of my previous question:
kanour-xen wrote:
Hi all. I would need to explain something around xen and Debian Lenny.
I decided to use Debian Lenny instead of Etch because of Xen 3.1.
However, when I finish the installation I found out that there is not
the linux-xen image in Lenny.
Why there is hypervisor and other xen related packages and there is NOT
the xen image?
My aim is to use binary packages instead of compiling anything, but
using xen 3.1.
Is there any way how to achieve it? If not, what is the procedure in
Lenny? You compile just the xen-image and use the binary packages in debian?
I just don't understand.
Thanks for explanation.
In addition, I am not sure if I am right, but is the idea behind it as
* Install binary package from xensource.com
* and then install xen-tools, xen-utils, xen-docs, xen-hypervisor ,
xen-shell from debian binary packages
Thanks for explaining this .
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