Re: [Xen-users] Serial port on the domU
i have now created a custom debian xen kernel that works fine and detects the serial ports in domU, so the problem was indeed the config setting.
if others have the same amount of troubles getting a xen+debian kernel source going,
i found all info in http://kernel-handbook.alioth.debian.org/ch-common-tasks.html#s-common-official
in short: prep: add a proper deb-src entry in /etc/apt/sources.list
cd /usr/src apt-get source linux-2.6 apt-get install build-essential fakeroot apt-get build-dep linux-2.6 cd linux-2.6-2.6.18.dfsg.1 fakeroot debian/rules binary fakeroot debian/rules debian/build debian/stamps
vi debian/build/build-amd64-xen-amd64/.config + and change the kernel config mentioned in the previous mail
fakeroot make -f debian/rules.gen binary-arch-amd64-xen-amd64
.. and your .debs should be waiting for you in /usr/src
Greetings, Sven
On 9/11/07, Artiom Shamis <
> wrote:Sven, Thanks a lot, rebuilding kernel with serial driver enabled and without
CONFIG_XEN_DISABLE_SERIAL fixed the problem. I loaded original kernel I've used without Xen and got the proper serial ports configuration from there. Then copied settings to vm .config file, made sure the CONFIG_XEN_DISABLE_SERIAL is not set and
rebuild the kernel.
Thanks for your help, Artiom
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