Re: [Xen-users] Serial port on the domU
Dear list,
update on the serial to domU issue:
- confirmed that xen scripts are picking up the ioports and irq statement: both are listed in the xend.log in a parseConfig statement (so the scripts at least know about the ioports/irq statements)
however i cannot find any DevController stanzas in there for the serial ports, i can find such statements for disks, nics, pci cards, .. should there be any of those ?
- on the domU i am not sure:
- /proc/devices does list a ttyS0 device - /proc/ioports do not show the transferred io ports - /proc/interrupts do not show the transferred irq
i am trying to recompile a debian xen kernel to disable the CONFIG_XEN_DISABLE_SERIAL config setting and see if that helps.
note that dom0 serial access works, even with a kernel were CONFIG_XEN_DISABLE_SERIAL is set. domU does not.
Does anyone know from what version of (opensource) xen the ioports/irq transfer works ? 3.0.3-1-amd64
+ 2.6.18-4-amd64 (aka debian etch default) does not seem to work.
Any help really appreciated.
On 9/7/07, sven waeyenbergh <
sven.waeyenbergh@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:What version of xen are you using ? i'm using
3.0.3-1-amd64 on debian and have exactly the same problem.
drivers load on domU, but do not detect any serial ports. subsequently loading the drivers on dom0 does work (if you un-blacklist them first),
even if the domU is still running, so i thought the irq/ioports statement was simply not being picked up, but according to xend.log, they are. no obvious errors.
my gamble is on CONFIG_XEN_DISABLE_SERIAL being set on the domU (also on dom0, but that works).
is there anyone out there that can confirm serial ports working on domU with a kernel that has the above config entry set ?
On 9/6/07, shacky
<shacky83@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
I configured a domU to access to the physical serial port of the dom0
(/dev/ttyS0) typing this in the domU configuration file:
irq = [ 4 ] ioports = [ "3f8-3ff" ]
The domU starts without any error, but the serial port isn't recognised. The /dev/ttyS0 device exists on the domU, and I blacklisted the
serial_core, the 8250 and 8250_pnp modules on the dom0.
What is the problem? Could you help me, please?
Thank you very much! Bye.
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