Re: [Xen-users] Purchasing only the Windows PV drivers for Xen
> Jonathon Jones schrieb:
>> I could be wrong, but I thought that some folks were asking that the
>> drivers be made available for purchase separate from the XenEnterprise
>> product. i.e. They are willing to pay for it but don't have the need
> have a look at the Novell webpage and search for "driver pack xen" )or
> google).
This is extracted from the system requirements:
from <http://www.novell.com//products/vmdriverpack/techspecs.html>
"...Furthermore, the host operating system used must be SUSE Linux
Enterprise Server 10 SP1 (Xen 3.0.4)."
BTW: I would also _pay_ for a windows driverpack working with open
source XEN 3.X.X
Ralf Schenk
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