Re: [Xen-users] Adding a new virtual block device to a guest
On Thu, Aug 16, 2007 at 11:01:10AM +1000, Trung Hoang wrote:
> I notice when i mkfs -ext 3 my new vbd with dd, it says it's not a block
> device.. i have a feeling im doing this wrong. can you suggest steps in:
> 1. creating a new block device
> 2. preparing it (mkfs)
> 3. attaching it (block-attach)
> 4. mounting it (inside the domU)
The steps are correct:
dom0> dd if=/dev/zero of=/mnt/storage/xen/diskfile bs=128M count=1
dom0> xm block-attach 82 tap:aio:/mnt/storage/xen/flux_diskfile sdd w 0
dom0> ssh sles10sp1
domU> cat /proc/partitions |tail -1 # now new space comes up
8 48 131072 sdd
domU> mkfs.ext3 /dev/sdd # and is usable
Also added to http://fluxcoil.net/doku.php/xen/docs .
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