Re: [Xen-users] snapshot - backup for xen vm's
Ralf Schenk wrote:
it-news (Josef Lahmer) schrieb:
dear list,
is there a way to make a lvm-snapshot of an running xen-vm to implement a function like
- Connect to mysql of VM and issue "FLUSH TABLES WITH READ LOCK;FLUSH LOGS"
#) make snapshot
- Connect to mysql of VM and issue "UNLOCK tables"
#) mount snapshot
#) copy files
#) umount snapshot
#) remove snapshot
eg (http://tldp.org/HOWTO/LVM-HOWTO/snapshots_backup.html)
interessting: How to mount a XenVM filesystem on XenServer Host:
Hello !
I do this every day. I added two points to your plan which I do with a
small perl script to get consistent Backups of my mysql Databases. I
also create/destroy the snapshot via this skript and mount the snapshot
volume. If you are interested I can send it via Mail.
Could I talk you into publishing that tool on the list, please? Or
sending me a copy to save me some work?
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