RE: [Xen-users] WIN NT / WIN98 HVM
Just to connect up this thread again.
I tried Windows NT4.0 SP1 on my Xen-unstable (latest version as of today,
changeset 14875. It doesn't work with Cirrus graphics (appears, from my
checking so far, that it's infinitely waiting for something to come back from
the Cirrus graphics processor). However, with "stdvga=1" in the config file, it
installs OK. It's a bit slow because of the standard vga adapter (standard VGA
doesn't use a linear frame-buffer like the Cirrus does, nor does it support the
more advanced graphics functions that Cirrus does), but it's working as such.
I haven't tried Win98SE yet - I have a disk + serial number sitting around, but
I may not do that today.
This is on an AMD-based system.
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