Re: [Xen-users] Windows domU on a no HVM CPU
Gary W. Smith wrote:
Really! I thought it fell off the primary support list several years
and went to "extended", "we-ll fix it if you give us extra money"
support. You can't get licenses from Microsoft for it anymore,
to their own website.
Where is your cite of the 2010 support date? I assume by that you mean
the extended support?
Though it's in extended support, you get critical and security updates without
having to pay additional money.
I'm not trying to be cynical or to start a flame war, I'm just providing
accurate advice. Do I like running windows 2000 at this point in the game? No!
But sometimes you have to.
I still have VM's running very legacy software based on NT. Is that smart?
Hell no. But for a variety of reasons it's a must.
So, back to the original statement. He can install 2000 under VM and still get
security updates until 2010 (according to the link I included). This is a true
statement. Anything else is opinion.
Good reference, thank you. I'll keep that link. Notice that it's 2 years
old as well, and that it says "During the Extended Support phase,
Microsoft continues to provide security hot fixes and paid support but
no longer provides complimentary support options, design change
requests, and non-security hotfixes.*"
I am curious about the results of Windows 2000 under Xen, for use in QA
environments. Are there additional boobytraps that folks here have seen?
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