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Re: [Xen-users] mount: could not find filesystem '/dev/root'

To: "Jerry Amundson" <jamundso@xxxxxxxxx>
Subject: Re: [Xen-users] mount: could not find filesystem '/dev/root'
From: Ismael <kraziest@xxxxxxxxx>
Date: Sun, 8 Apr 2007 18:01:07 +0200
Cc: xen-users@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
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I tried also installing the xen3.0.4, the 3.0.4 dom0 and the 3.0.3
dom0. With both dom0 it can start, but it cannot run the graphical
mode and in the logs appears a "failed to initialize core devices", so
I'm begining to think that I can have a wrong .config. Any suggestion
is well received.

On 4/8/07, Jerry Amundson <jamundso@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
On 4/7/07, Ismael Hasan Romero <kraziest@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> Hi there. I got a kernel panic caused by <mount: could not find
> filesystem '/dev/root'> when I tried to install xen from the sources
> (to compile modules on my own).

The key error is probably in the drivers loaded prior to the above message...
I searched and before the /dev/root problem happens a cannot load lib/sd_mod.ko

> -mkinitrd -v -f --with=aacraid --with=sd_mod --with=scsi_mod
> initrd-      -> that's the Readme way

On a whim, try "--preload=aacraid"?
Is aacraid the scsi_hostadapter in /etc/modules.conf, and used by the
other /etc/grub.conf sections that work correctly?

I tried this (--preload) but it doesn't change the problem. I have no

> One last thing, before the kernel panic occurs a warning appears. This
> is about "unsupported acesses", it sais that there is a problem with
> the /lib/tls and that because of this the system may run slow. If
> someone believe that this is important I can copy here the exact
> message.

Hmm, that's "normal", but usually independent of the filesystem error.
That may play in, though, as you've compiled from source? I'm not
I did what the warning says (mv /lib/tsl) and the warning still appears.


"Oh joy! Rapture! I've got a brain"

Thanks for answering

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