Re: [Xen-users] Any other good 64-bit machines
Sarunas Burdulis schrieb:
> John Shen wrote:
>> I would like to thank the list for all the tips and recommendations I
>> got when I asked if Dell Poweredge 2950 would run xen 3.0.3 well. We
>> got one and it is running quite well with Fedora Core 6 (64 bit
>> x86_64).
>> I am just wondering if there is a list of rackable 64bit servers that
>> also run Linux x86_64 (does not have to be FC, but preferably free
>> ones) well. Thanks for sharing your experiences. I also would like
>> the cpu supports the intel vt or amd-v technology.
> I have recently tested two systems which run Xen 3.0.3/Debian Etch or
> Xen 3.0.3/Ubuntu 7.04 fine. This is with xen-modified kernels, not HVM
> mode.
> The two systems are both 2U units using:
> 1. Supermicro X7DBE with 2x2-core Xeon 5030, 3Ware 9650SE SATA-II;
Hello !
I'm using 3 similar Systems of Supermicro X7DBE+ with 2x2-core Xeon 5130
(Woodcrest, 2 Ghz), 3 Ware 9550SE SATA-II (8 Channel), and they work
with XEN 3.0.4-1 compiled from scratch for Ubuntu 6.06 Dapper Server
LTS. I bought them all inclusive as a system called 6025B-TR+B.
The board has 16 Slots of FB Dimm Memory so you could put up to 64 GB of
memory in it. Thats above standard.
However 1 Machine has a problem with the first network interface
(running XEN or Native), which I'm working on.
We tested paravirtualized and also HVM Domains.
And they are really better than blackbock products assembled from
different parts of different vendors. You'll see that in the second
where you open the case !
Ralf Schenk
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