Re: [Xen-users] Any other good 64-bit machines
Sarunas Burdulis wrote:
> John Shen wrote:
>> I would like to thank the list for all the tips and recommendations I
>> got when I asked if Dell Poweredge 2950 would run xen 3.0.3 well. We
>> got one and it is running quite well with Fedora Core 6 (64 bit
>> x86_64).
>> I am just wondering if there is a list of rackable 64bit servers that
>> also run Linux x86_64 (does not have to be FC, but preferably free
>> ones) well. Thanks for sharing your experiences. I also would like
>> the cpu supports the intel vt or amd-v technology.
> I have recently tested two systems which run Xen 3.0.3/Debian Etch or
> Xen 3.0.3/Ubuntu 7.04 fine. This is with xen-modified kernels, not HVM
> mode.
> The two systems are both 2U units using:
> 1. Supermicro X7DBE with 2x2-core Xeon 5030, 3Ware 9650SE SATA-II;
> 2. Tyan Thunder h2000M S3992 with 2x2-core Opteron 2218, 3Ware 9650SE
> I'm still testing #2 with 3.0.4 and HVM guest domains with not much luck
> so far.
HVM guests work too on Tyan system (Next-Gen Opterons with AMD-V). The
problem with Linux HVM guests was having phy:...,hda and hdb:cdrom,
which caused hdb: DSC timeout errors and the installer from CD-image
never completed. Changing hdb:cdrom to hdc:cdrom resolved this. There
was no problem installing/running Solaris 10 and WinXP.
Dartmouth College
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