RE: [Xen-users] xen kernel crashes athlon?
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Ian Jones [mailto:ian.jones9901@xxxxxxxxxxx]
> Sent: 27 February 2007 13:33
> To: Petersson, Mats
> Cc: xen-users@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
> Subject: Re: [Xen-users] xen kernel crashes athlon?
> Thanks for your reply. I tried this, and it now hangs during boot,
> whereas before it rebooted itself.
Yes, that's because the "noreboot" feature means "sit there until the
operator of the machine presses the reset button" rather than "reboot on
error". It's a useful thing for debugging startup-problems, as it gives
you a chance to read the console output.
> Which drivers might I be missing? Perhaps there is a missing
> dependency...
Quite possibly. You may want to do lsmod on your system running Linux
without Xen and see what's listed there, and compare that to what you
find in /lib/modules/linux-2.x.y.z-xen/... Pay particular attention to
things like file-system modules, SATA/IDE/SCSI modules - sound-card
drivers or such are unlikely to prevent the system from booting.
If you're not able to make sense of the above, the output to the console
would be helpful.
The best way to capture the information is to connect a serial-port of
the target-machine to a another machine, and add:
com1=115200,8n1 console=com1 sync_console
to the xen.gz line in your grub.conf file.
Then use a serial capture application (minicomm, teraterm, HyperTerminal
or whatever you have available) to log the output to a file. Copy the
last dozen or so lines of the output to a reply to this mail.
The less pleasant method of achieving the same thing is to type it in by
hand (and trying to not type it in wrong, as that may mislead the
> Petersson, Mats wrote:
> > You may want to add "noreboot" to the "kernel=[...]xen.gz"
> line in your
> > grub.conf file.
> >
> > There should be no problem running Xen on AMD hardware, and my
> > suspiction is that the difference between the machines are
> more in which
> > drivers you need to get the kernel booted rather than the processor
> > architecture...
> >
> > [The number of times we've had customers saying things like
> "it works on
> > my Intel machine but not the AMD machine" and it turns out
> to be some
> > other hardware difference is HUGE compared to number of cases where
> > software ACTUALLY is bevhaving different between AMD and Intel.]
> >
> > --
> > Mats
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